On our way to 40 weeks….

Our 39 week appointment started out with our doctor saying, ‘Well don’t get discouraged if you see your due date or a few days past it.” Well we weren’t exactly holding our breath but I guess we needed to hear it. There’s been some minor progress in terms of dilation and effacement so Dr. said that it looks like those contractions I’ve been having have been doing their job.

Everything else was fine as usual so on to our 40 wk. appointment this Friday (which is our due date!) unless baby decides to make his or her grand entrance. So to pass the time I baked another loaf of banana bread, this time with a super ripe banana and cinnamon apple sauce. I also had some great workouts including a two mile swim and a few walks over 3 miles. Work and grad school keep me busy too so there’s not too much down time.

Saturday our friends Roger and Holly came over with their new baby Roger (3 weeks) and 2 year old Taylor. The dads watched football and Holly and I walked to the nature park with the two kiddos. Anthony did get a diaper tutorial too which was cute!

Oh and I can’t forget my Saturday night crafts 🙂 Nothing too involved but I painted a paper mache pumpkin and strung up some cute acorn bells.


We also put out some mums and a pumpkin on our front porch!


P1000162P1000166P1000168Woah belly! 🙂

So we’re just staying busy around here. I’m trying to stay a few days ahead in school work and thankfully my groups are very understanding that I will be unavailable for a few days. I’ve also compiled my list of work “go to’s” for while I’m out.

This week we’re treating ourselves to a good house cleaning. Maybe a scrubbed house from top to bottom with encourage baby to come! I found a highly rated cleaning service and they’ll come tomorrow morning to give us a good fall cleaning.